Sunday, April 8, 2012

Education II

Though  the school system in Germany has changed since I went to school,it still has the institution called  “Abitur”. The Abitur is the final exam  at the end of the high sschool years. Not everyone goes to a school which offers a curriculum that enables one to pass the exams but that does not mean that children who don’t go to such a school don’t get an education. The Abitur is essential, though, if one wants to go to university and work toward a doctorate.At my time girls went to the lycée and boys to the gymnasium,though this name had no connection with sports.In both schools the subjects were similar.

Definitely a foreign  language  which in my case was French. The following year a second language  was added. In my case English. After that Latin was added. Most boys also had Greek and my German father in law even had Hebrew. Why learn the ancient languages? In order  to be able to study ancient texts.As for modern languages  some children had the choice of Spanish or French. But you did not have the choice of not taking a language. Clearly  we did not have the various subjects all on one day since we also had  History,Geography,Math or Geometry plus Biology and. of course, Chemistry.We girls also  had  two periods back to back of needlework once a week.And music but no orchestra. And last but not least, sports. After Hitler came to power sports became of great importance.If I remember correctly we had sports five times a week as last period.

If this looks crowded  then I can only say, it was crowded. But for example  math became Algebra,Zoology became Biology. Nowadays these subjects would simply be called  science. For example  once a week we  had  a two period session of Art.For me, clearly, subjects like music, art, etc. even sports were sheer relaxation. My downfall were Math and the Sciences. I had simply no relation to these subjects and don’t to this very day. I am  in no way interested in going to the moon or anywhere else in the universe.Though I was not very good at languages, such as learning vocabulary and grammar  I am glad that I had to learn as much as I did. Also, as I have found out over the years, it is simply amazing what is still hidden in my brain and all of a sudden pops up when I need it.

No, we did not learn to speak French or English but those of us who in grown up life needed to use these languages, either by migration or going into a profession such inter-
pretation benefited very much from our early training. I remember how I often marvelled  at my own ability to remember a long forgotten word or rule. On the other hand, I admit, it makes me  a  pedantic old woman when I shudder at careless usage of grammar such as “the woman that ...” A woman or any person is not a “that” but a “who”. Or the usage of  “who” and “whom”. Specially if such a person is earning  a living  with the use of language, such a politician or  media  person for example.So I apologize and try to keep my mouth shut next time someone says “For who is that?” After all, I can always turn the television off. Or switch to the German chanel.

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